Website Use
By accessing this website you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Bel Viso reserve the right to vary or amend these terms and conditions at any time. This website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without any representation or endorsement.
Although we will use reasonable endeavours to verify the accuracy of the information in this web site, Bel Viso does not make any warranties, express or implied, in relation to its accuracy. Furthermore, Bel Viso cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions and reserve the right to vary, amend or cancel any of the arrangements featured on this website should they find such alterations necessary.
You acknowledge and agree that the material and content contained within this website is made available for your own personal non-commercial use only and that you may not copy or otherwise use the material for any other purpose.
You further acknowledge and agree that all rights, the material and content of this website are owned by or licensed to Bel Viso. You undertake not to copy, store, distribute or alter any part of this website without the prior written permission of Bel Viso or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Virtual tours
1. Awareness
The client is aware that virtual tours need third party software to be installed on a computer for the tour to be viewed and that Bel Viso create virtual tours that need either QuickTime or Java to be installed on a computer for the tour to work correctly. The client is also aware that Bel Viso virtual tours are made up of panoramic images. These images can be over 200kbs each and the Bel Viso virtual tours are best viewed using a broadband connection.
2. Copyright
Bel Viso retain full, unlimited, world-wide copyright on all virtual tours created and photographs taken. These virtual tours are solely for display purposes. They may not be copied, published, reproduced, or stored on any electronic retrieval system without the express written permission of Bel Viso.
3. Portfolio
Bel Viso have the right to show work created for the client(s) on Bel Viso’s website(s).
4. Failure
Whilst every care is taken at every stage of the photographic process, in the event of a camera failure, operator error, material failure, loss, theft or machine failure, Bel Viso can accept no responsibility for any losses however incurred as a result of any such failure beyond a full refund of the original purchase price.
5. General Liability
Bel Viso can accept no contingent liability for any failure of any type resulting from the failure in any way of any product or service they supply.
6. Payment Terms
For all non-account Clients, payment for all products and services provided by Bel Viso must be made upon completion of the assignment. For authorised account holders, payment of the Photographer’s invoice must be made within 30 days of the date of that invoice.
Bel Viso reserves the right to withdraw account facilities and services without notice should the Client fail to pay Bel Viso’s invoice(s) within 30 days.
7. Logo
Unless otherwise stated the Bel Viso logo will appear on the bottom of all 360° movies and on the tour itself.
8. Weather